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The fantasy castle with a unique design.

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The first novel

Volume 1; Alta

When wood elf Levia wakes up at the inn with her Vardin elf boyfriend Dimonos, she thinks their biggest concern is getting Levia’s father, the king, to accept their relationship. Soon, however, her world collapses, as she learns that a deadly alliance of blood elves and mortals have attacked the kingdom and killed her family.

Levia and the wood elves flee west to the peaceful valley of Alta. But it turns out it is hiding some dark secrets of its own. Meanwhile, Levia must get used to her new – and undesired – role as queen and learn   to   master  the  magical powers she has suddenly gained.

Series description

The valley of Alta, with its towering cliff, becomes the centre of the elven realm. Follow the story of how people gather from distant parts of the old world and the interaction between the races and cultures helps them to create a balanced community where it is safe to grow up.


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Da elveren Levia vågner op på kroværelset med sin kæreste Dimonos, tror hun, at deres største bekymring er at få Levias far, kongen, til at acceptere deres kærlighed. Hurtigt braser hendes verden dog sammen, da hun erfarer, at fremmede fjender har angrebet kongeriget og dræbt hendes familie.
Hun og folket må flygte mod vest til en fredelig dal, der imidlertid viser sig at gemme på dystre hemmeligheder. Alt imens forsøger Levia at vænne sig til sin nye – og uønskede – rolle som dronning og de magiske kræfter, som hun pludselig har fået.
Bogen er let læst og spændende for alle, der godt kan lide fantasy. Fra 11 år.
Dette er første bind i serien om ALTA.

Kr. 199,- (+ porto)